High rated irradiation of vipac (U, Pu)O2 in diogenes

Peter Jannis, H. Schumacher, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle, Ludovicus Aerts, H. Bairiot

    Research outputpeer-review

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    Ten vibrated mixed oxide fuel capsules assembled into five rods 5 % Pu-enriched with SS 304 L cladding have been irradiated in the heavy water cooled loop DIOGENES of the DIORIT research reactor at Würenlingen, Switzerland.
    The fuel achieved maximum burnups ranging from 3, 000 to 26,000 MWd/t U + Pu. The postirradiation examinations have been performed in the hot cells at Wftrenlingen, Two types of fuel were prepared by BELGONUCLEAIRE for
    loading into the capsules ;
    - an homogeneous fuel with three grain fractions containing (Uo.95» 05)^2 solid Solutions obtained by HF melting ;
    - an heterogeneous fuel with a fine grain fraction containing ('0.75 UO2 + 0.25 PUO2).
    The postirradiation examinations led to the following conclusions :
    - the results of the experiment can be compared with those of the previous irradiation carried out in DIORIT ;
    - the fuel capsules behaved satisfactorily during the irradiation;
    - a rather high dispersion between the fission gas releases has been noticed. No correlation with the fuel type or the burnup could be found;
    - no cladding corrosion and no fuel - cladding interaction have been noticed ;
    - a plutonium homogenization took place in the central part of the columnar grains region.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages46
    StatePublished - Jul 1975

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN
    No.BLG-497 BN-7507-04

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