High total dose radiation effects on temperature sensing fiber Bragg gratings

A. I. Gusarov, F. Berghmans, O. Deparis, A. Fernandez Fernandez, Yves Defosse, P. Mégret, M. Décreton, M. Blondel

    Research outputpeer-review


    Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG's) written in a 10 mol.% Ge-doped core silica fiber using a phase mask were exposed to γ-radiation. The transmission and reflection spectra were recorded during irradiation up to doses in excess of 1 MGy. There was no detectable change of the Bragg peak amplitude and the grating temperature sensitivity. The radiation-induced shift of the Bragg wavelength saturated at a dose of 0.1 MGy at a level less than 25 pm, which could still be decreased by optimization of the grating parameters. Our results confirm that FBG's are good candidates for sensing applications in radiation environments.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1159-1161
    Number of pages3
    JournalIEEE Photonics Technology Letters
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - Sep 1999


    Manuscript received March 1, 1999; revised May 17, 1999. The work of O. Deparis and P. Mégret was supported by the Inter-University Attraction Pole (IAP IV/07) of the Belgian Government (SSTC). A. I. Gusarov is with Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, B-7000 Mons, Belgium. He is also with SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. F. Berghmans is with SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. He is also with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laboratory for Photonics, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. O. Deparis, Y. Defosse, P. Mégret, and M. Blondel are with Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, B-7000 Mons, Belgium. A. F. Fernandez is with SCK CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. He is also with Université Libre de Bruxelles, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. M. Décreton is with SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. Publisher Item Identifier S 1041-1135(99)06849-4.

    FundersFunder number
    Not addedIAP IV/07

      ASJC Scopus subject areas

      • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
      • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
      • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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