Identification and prioritisation of ALLIANCE and NERIS SRA topics relevant to medical radiation protection research

Jordi Vives i Batlle, Laura Urso, Wolfgang Raskob

Research outputpeer-review

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In this deliverable, we elaborate on the ideas of the joint panel of the European radiation protection research platforms ALLIANCE and NERIS dealing with radioecology and preparedness for radiological accidents, respectively. The goals were (1) to identify and prioritise research needs relating to the radiation protection of members of public and wildlife arising from releases due to the production and use of radionuclides for medical applications, including emergencies, and (2) to provide EURAMED rocc-n-roll with a concise statement on these priority R&D domains to be considered for inclusion in their SRA.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Commissioning bodyEURATOM - European Atomic Energy Community
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2023

Publication series

NameEURAMED Reports
No.WP2 D2.4

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