Immobilization of the treated wastes by geopolymer or cement-based materials encapsulated or by molten glass coating

Quoc Tri Phung, Lander Frederickx, Eduardo Ferreira, Jan Hadrava, Boris Zlobenko, Markku Leivo, Francisca Puertas, Raúl Fernández, Elena Torres Alvarez, Eros Mossini, Andrea Santi, Francesco Galluccio, Elena Macerata, Marco Giola, Mario Mariani, Heléne Nonnet

Research outputpeer-review

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The task 6.4 is to leverage the experience, know-how and equipment of each project partner in order to develop adequate formulations of geopolymer and cement-based materials for the immobilisation of thermally-treated surrogate or radioactive samples from T6.3. The main objective of this task 6.4 is to design one or several geopolymer and cement-based materials formulations for the treated waste types. These recipes will be then considered for physico-chemical characterization in T6.6. In addition, this task demonstrates the Molten Glass Coating process for the immobilisation of treated waste from T6.3.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of PREDIS May Workshop 2021
Subtitle of host publicationDate 30.9.2021 version Final
EditorsMaria Oksa, Erika Holt
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 30 Sep 2021
Event2021 - PREDIS workshop - Online
Duration: 4 May 20216 May 2021


Workshop2021 - PREDIS workshop

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