Impact of Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenarios on Geological Disposal

Jan Marivoet, Miguel Cunado, Simon Norris, Eef Weetjens

    Research outputpeer-review


    The impact of advanced nuclear fuel cycles on radioactive waste management and geological disposal has been evaluated within the Red-Impact project. Five representative fuel cycles, which were considered in equilibrium, were identified. After a 50 years cooling time, the heat generated in the high-level radioactive waste arising from advanced fuel cycles is significantly lower than that in spent fuel from the "once through" fuel cycle. This would allow the dimensions of a geological repository to be reduced. The impact of advanced fuel cycles on the radiological consequences in the case of the expected evolution or reference scenario is rather limited. This is because the maximum dose in this scenario, which is calculated to occur a few tens of thousands of years after the disposal of the waste is essentially due to mobile fission and activation products; as geological disposal systems are very effective at retarding the migration of actinides, the contribution of the actinides to the effective dose is limited. On the other hand, calculated doses to a geotechnical worker resulting from inadvertent intrusion into a high-level waste repository are significantly reduced in the case of advanced fuel cycles, because of the much lower actinide content of the waste.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConference Proceedings EURADWASTE'08. Seventh European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of RAdioactive Waste
    Place of PublicationLuxembourg, Luxembourg
    StatePublished - Dec 2009
    EventEURADWASTE 2008 - 7th European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste - European Commission, Luxembourg
    Duration: 20 Oct 200823 Oct 2008

    Publication series

    NameEUR series


    ConferenceEURADWASTE 2008 - 7th European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste

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