Impact of advanced fuel cycles on waste management

Jan Marivoet, J.M. Gavedon, Timo Haapalehto, William Halsey, Kwang-Seok Lee, Peter Wydler, Alain Zaetta, Geert Volckaert

    Research outputpeer-review


    An expert group on the impact of advanced fuel cycles on waste management policies has been set up by the Nuclear Development Committee of OECD/NEA. This study extends a series of previous ones on Partitioning and Transmutation issues, by broadening the scope of scenarios beyond ADS-centred ones and by focusing on fuel cycle and waste issues. The paper summarises the main findings of this work. A novelty of this study is the repository performance assessment performed for the HLW repositories. Two aspects are analysed, firstly the effect of different HLW isotopic composition on repository performance, and secondly, the effect on repository capacity, though current repository concepts have not been optimised for the new type of waste.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceeding of ENC 2005: Nuclear power for the XXIst century
    Place of PublicationMarseille, France
    StatePublished - Dec 2005
    EventENC 2005 - Nuclear power for the XXIst century: from basic research to high-tech industry - ENS - European Nuclear Society, Versailles
    Duration: 11 Nov 200514 Nov 2005


    ConferenceENC 2005 - Nuclear power for the XXIst century: from basic research to high-tech industry

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