Improved Monte Carlo – Perturbation Method For Estimation Of Control Rod Worths In A Research Reactor

Silva Kalcheva, Edgar Koonen, André Beeckmans de West-Meerbeeck

Research outputpeer-review


A hybrid method dedicated to improve the experimental technique for estimation of control rod worths in a research reactor is presented. The method uses a combination of Monte Carlo technique and perturbation theory. Perturbation method is used to obtain the equation for the relative efficiency of control rod insertion. A series of coefficients, describing the axial absorption profile are used to correct the equation for a composite rod, having a complicated burn-up irradiation history. These coefficients have to be determined – by experiment or by using some theoretical/numerical method. In the present paper they are derived from the macroscopic absorption cross sections, obtained from detailed Monte Carlo calculations by MCNPX 2.6.F of the axial burn-up profile during control rod life. The method is validated on measurements of control rod worths at the BR2 reactor. Comparison with direct MCNPX evaluations of control rod worths is also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)344-349
JournalAnnals of nuclear energy
Issue number3
StatePublished - 5 Apr 2009

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