In-pile tritium release from LiAlO2, Li2SiO3 and Li2O in exotic experiments 1 and 2

H. Kwast, Rainer P. Conrad, P. Kennedy, A. J. Flipot, J. D. Elen

    Research outputpeer-review


    Within the European Fusion Technology Programme on Blanket Technology the experimental programme, EXOTIC, has been initiated and is being carried out as a joint project by SNL-Springfields, SCK/CEN-Mol and ECN-Petten in cooperation with the JRC-Petten. The programme consists of manufacture, characterization, irradiation and pre- and post-irradiation examination of the Li-compounds LiAlO2, Li2SiO3, Li20, Li2ZrO3 and Li8ZrO6. The irradiations are carried out in the High Flux Reactor (HFR) at Petten. The first irradiation has been performed with four vented and four closed capsules containing LiAlO2 and Li2SiO3 with various 6Li contents and grain sizes. The temperatures were approximately 400 and 600°C. The duration of this irradiation was 25 FPD. In the second irradiation three capsules contained Li2SiO3, one LiAlO2 and four were filled with Li20. This experiment lasted two reactor cycles (50 FPD). In this paper results on tritium release of the first and second experiment will be given as well as data on material fabrication and material properties.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)300-304
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
    Issue numberPART 1
    StatePublished - 1986


    FundersFunder number
    EC - JRC - European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    Not added4SCK/CEN-MOL

      ASJC Scopus subject areas

      • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
      • General Materials Science
      • Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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