In-pile Xe diffusion coefficient derived from intragranular bubble growth

    Research outputpeer-review


    Experimental measurements of in-pile Xe diffusion are very limited. One of the rare observable that is directly related to it is the intragranular bubble radius. In this work we will determine the bubble distribution profile taking into account the evolution of the Xe concentration around the growing bubble, and assess its validity by comparison to experimental distribution profiles. Then the Xe diffusion coefficient can be deduced from experimental values of the bubble mean radius at different temperatures. The predicted activation energy is about 0.9 eV, well below the widely known value obtained from out-of-pile experiments (3.9 eV, Matzke, Rad. Eff. 53 (1980) 219) because of the presence of point defects created by the irradiation. Our value is, however, comparable, but still slightly lower, than the theoretically deduced value proposed by Turnbull et al. (~ 1.2 eV, J. Nucl. Mater. 107 (1982) 168) for the temperature range 800°C – 1400°C.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting - Proceedings of the Fuels & Materials Sessions
    Place of PublicationHalden, Norway
    StatePublished - 11 Mar 2007
    EventEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting 2007 - Instititt for energiteknikk - OECD Halden Reactor Project, Storefjell
    Duration: 11 Mar 200716 Mar 2007

    Publication series

    NameHalden Project Report HPR


    ConferenceEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting 2007

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