Induced optical absorption of silicate glasses due to gamma irradiation at high temperatures

Andrei Goussarov, Stefan Huysmans, Francis Berghmans, L. Glebova, L. Glebov, E.R. Hodgson, Marc Schyns

    Research outputpeer-review


    Gammaradiation-induced optical absorption in 75SiO2–22Na2O–3CaO(wt.%) multi-component glass and in the same glass additionally doped with 0.05 wt.% CeO2 has been studied, with irradiations performed at 70, 200, and 350 ◦C, 25 kGy/h up to a dose of 0.6MGy. For the undoped glass irradiation at 70 ◦C produces strong optical absorption from 700 nm down to the UV. Irradiation at 200 ◦C gives a lower level of optical absorption with a similar band composition. No induced optical absorption has been detected after irradiation at 350 ◦C. Annealing at 200 ◦C for 24 h completely suppresses the induced optical absorption. Introduction of cerium increases the level of induced absorption in the UV range for irradiation at 70 ◦C, and also creates bands stable up to 350 ◦C. The results showthat silica and sapphire, which are considered as main candidate materials for ITER diagnostic windows and other optical components, can potentially be complemented with multi-component silicate glasses. These materials may allow one to control the radioluminescence, and in addition provide a range of refractive indices required for achromatic lenses.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-6
    Journalfusion engineering and design
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - Jan 2010

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