Induction of neuronal apoptosis after prenatal irradiation in mice: an in vivo study

Lander Thyssen, Mieke Verslegers, Rafi Benotmane, Sarah Baatout

    Research output

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    This study aimed to provide insight into early radiation-induced brain anomalies that might be related to previously observed cognitive and behavioural malfunctions in mice prenatally irradiated with moderate to high doses of X-radiation. More specifically, a disturbance of developental processes was investigated by means of immunohistochemical techniques in prenatally irradiated mouse embryos at the onset of neurogenesis (embryonic days 11 and 15).
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • KU Leuven
    • Arckens, Lutgarde, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - 30 Jan 2015

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