Influence of back-gate bias and process conditions on the gamma degradation of the transconductance of MuGFETs

Sofie Put, Eddy Simoen, Nadine Collaert, An De Keersgieter, Corneel Claeys, Marco Van Uffelen, Paul Leroux

    Research outputpeer-review

    15 Scopus citations


    The gamma radiation-induced variation of the transconductance in the subthreshold region is studied for different back-gate voltages and for different kinds of SOI MuGFETs: devices with and without selective epitaxial growth (SEG) and 45° rotated transistors. Wide fin devices show a larger degradation when the back-gate is grounded. The back-channel of narrow fin transistors, on the other hand, needs to be inverted before degradation in the transconductance is observed. The radiation behavior of the transconductance is similar for devices with and without SEG. It is shown that the maximum variation in transconductance correlates with the mobility for narrow fin devices. This mobility varies when the transistor is rotated. For wide fin devices this correlation is not as strong.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number5550317
    Pages (from-to)1771-1776
    Number of pages6
    JournalIEEE transactions on nuclear Science
    Issue number4 PART 1
    StatePublished - Aug 2010

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
    • Nuclear Energy and Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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