Influence of nucleon and pion mean fields of the description of spallation reactions

Thierry Aoust, A Boudard, J Cugnon, S Leray, Y Yariv

    Research outputpeer-review


    Intranuclear cascade plus evaporation models are able to describe spallation reactions using very few input, among which a mean field for nucleons and for pions, generally under the form of crude potential wells. The influence of this ingredient, especially of the isospin and the energy-dependence of the nucleon mean field is investigated. The influence of the presence of a pion mean field is also studied.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationND 2007
    Subtitle of host publicationInternational Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
    EditorsO Bersillon, F Gunsing, E Bauge, R Jacqmin, S Leray
    PublisherEDP Sciences
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Print)978-2-7598-0090-2, 978-2-7598-0091-9
    StatePublished - 2008
    Event2007 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology - CEA/OECD NEA, Nice
    Duration: 22 Apr 200727 Apr 2007

    Publication series

    NameND - International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
    PublisherEDP Sciences
    ISSN (Electronic)2100-014X


    Conference2007 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology


    This work has been partially done in the frame of the EU IP EUROTRANS project (European Union Contract No. FI6W-CT- 2004-516520). We acknowledge the EU financial support.

    FundersFunder number
    EUROTRANS project - EUROpean Research Programme for the TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven SystemFI6W-CT- 2004-516520

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