Integration of detailed borehole core measurements and pump test data from the aquifers below the Boom Clay in the groundwater flow model

George Bennett, Katrijn Vandersteen

    Research output

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    SCK•CEN has been investigating the possibility of using the Boom Clay as the host rock for high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste disposal. For demonstrating feasibility and safety of a potential radioactive waste disposal, the aquifers surrounding the Boom Clay are studied as well. The detailed hydrogeological characterization of the aquifers below the Boom Clay, especially the Oligocene and Ledo-Paniselian-Brusselian aquifers, is of high importance for better understanding water and solute transport and reducing the uncertainty of the current groundwater flow models. The amount of available hydraulic conductivity data for these aquifers is however limited, and therefore, it has not yet been used for the informing the model parameterization. To advance characterization and modelling of groundwater flow for the aquifers below the Boom Clay this study uses data from a portable air permeameter to estimate saturated hydraulic conductivities for the Oligocene and Bartoon aquifer system. The upscaled saturated hydraulic conductivity estimates together with pumping test data from the Oligocene and Ledo-Paniselian-Brusselian aquifers are integrated into the current groundwater flow model for the aquifers below the Boom Clay.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Universiteit Gent
    • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    • Huysmans, Marijke, Supervisor, External person
    • Rogiers, Bart, Supervisor
    • Vandersteen, Katrijn, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
    StatePublished - Jun 2014

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