(Inter)nationale participatie heeft nood aan lokale participatie. En omgekeerd.

Gunter Bombaerts, Michel Bovy, Gilbert Eggermont, Erik Laes

    Research outputpeer-review


    In this article, we compare the RISCOM model and the Belgian partnership model. After a brief description of the participation methodologies, we give 5 recommendations: (1) A critical precautionary approach happens more profoundly if a European 'counter institute' is set in place and if non-participative forces are acknowledged. (2) A guardian of the process at the Belgian level seems missing and we recommend a technology assessment institute as exists in Flanders (at the regional level). (3) Limitations of a discussion levels are useful but should also be flexible. (4) The Belgian partnership model focuses largely on the local level, ignoring more the regional and federal level. (5) A national debate should be organised in order to discuss the local compensation issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)95-109
    JournalEthiek en Maatschappij
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - Jun 2006

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