Investigation and calibration of various detection systems which can be used for emergency internal contamination checks

Eleftherios D. Karachalias, Anne Laure Lebacq

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In case of a nuclear accident, the release of radioactive substances into the environment may pose a signicant threat for the public health. One of the main concerns is radioactive iodine which tends to accumulate in the thyroid causing damage to the gland and increasing the cancer risk. A thyroid monitoring campaign on large groups of the population, should be an essential part of the emergency response. For this reason, various gamma spectrometers and monitors were calibrated. Neck/thyroid phantoms and vials containing radioactive solutions, simulating contaminated thyroid glands of different age groups, were used in specific geometries in order to study the response of the detection systems and derive their peak eficiency. In addition, the sensitivity of detection was estimated and quality assurance charts for the energy resolution and decay corrected area of certain energy peaks were established. A separate chapter was dedicated to the uncertainties due to anatomical and postural variabilities. A technical manual was prepared in order to derive the activity of radioiodine in the thyroid gland. A simple method for triage was presented, including charts of warning and action levels for the present thyroid activity according to critical levels for the committed effective dose.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
  • Gudowski, Waclaw, Supervisor, External person
  • Arzhanov, Vasily, Supervisor, External person
  • Lebacq, Anne Laure, Supervisor
Place of PublicationStockholm, Sweden
StatePublished - Jun 2013

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