Ion-exchange characteristics of the radium-ethylene-diaminetetraacetate complex

Leon Baetslé, E. Bengsch

    Research outputpeer-review


    The stability constant of 226Ra-EDTA was determined using the method of SCHUBERT in a modified form.
    The constant was found to be such that logK= 7.07 ± 0.06. The influence of the Na+ and acetate ions in the solutions was taken into account by applying appropriate corrections. An equation was developed giving the relationship between the distribution coëfficients in free and complexed solutions. The formulas provide the basic data for the design of a decontamination. assembly for 226Ra in EDTA solutions with ion-exchange columns.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages12
    StatePublished - Sep 1961

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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