Ion-exchange properties of Zirconium and Titanium phosphates and their use in the separation of nuclear reaction products

Leon Baetslé, I. Markl-Musyl, Daniel Huys

    Research outputpeer-review


    Mixtures of 227Ac, 228Th and 226Ra in nitric acid solution were separated by passing through a zirconium phosphate column followed by a titanium phosphate column. The mechanism of ion exchange on TiP was therefore investigated. Distribution coefficients of various ions on TiP were found as a function of molarity of the nitric acid solution and an explanation of the observed selectivity is given. A study of the ion-exchange adsorption of the Th(IV) ion showed it to be adsorbed by TiP as a complex species.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIon exchange in the process industries
    Subtitle of host publicationPapers read at the conference held at Imperial College of Science and Technology London, 16.-18. July, 1969 with discussions that followed
    EditorsG.R. Hall
    Publisher Society of Chemical Industry
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)0901001074, 9780901001078
    StatePublished - 16 Jul 1969
    Event1969 - Ion-exchange in the process industries - Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
    Duration: 16 Jul 196918 Jul 1969


    Conference1969 - Ion-exchange in the process industries
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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