Irradiation effects on the optical and mechanical performance of ITER prototype window assemblies

    Research outputpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations


    We investigated how simulated ITER environment can influence the mechanical stability and optical characteristics of ITER prototype window assemblies. Such assemblies must transmit diagnostic signals while maintaining the vacuum boundaries continuously during the operating life of ITER. A high reliability of the window assemblies is a must. Prototype assemblies with the transmission element made of Si3N4, silica, or sapphire diffusion bonded or brazed to a stainless steel or Ti ferrule were studied in the present work. Irradiation was performed in the BR1 reactor of SCKCEN in Mol at 150 C during 5.5 months up to a total fast fluence of ∼2 × 1020 n/m2. Post-irradiation thermo-mechanical and the He-leak tests were performed in a hot cell. The examination was concluded with the destructive push-out test. Different damage patterns were observed for different window assemblies. The general conclusion is that after thermal cycling and reactor irradiation the windows remain sufficiently strong to sustain mechanical loads relevant for the ITER operation.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1192-1195
    Number of pages4
    Journalfusion engineering and design
    Issue number6-8
    StatePublished - 2013

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Civil and Structural Engineering
    • Nuclear Energy and Engineering
    • General Materials Science
    • Mechanical Engineering

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