IV. Two-dimensional variable-range hopping in planar conjugated macromolecules

R. Colson, P. Nagels

    Research outputpeer-review


    Electrical conductivity, thermopower and Hall effect measurements have been made on a series of polyacene quinone radical (PAQR) polymers as a function of temperature. The PAQR polymers, prepared by condensing pyrene with three different acidic compounds, are highly conjugated and show fairly high conductivities (in the range 10-4-10-3 Ω-1 cm-1 at room temperature). The thermo-power is positive and increases slightly with increasing temperature. The Hall coefficient, measured on one sample, is negative and decreases with temperature; the Hall mobility is less activated than the conductivity and is of the order of 3 x 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1 at room temperature. In order to alter the electrical properties by doping, the PAQR polymers were treated with iodine. This results in an increase of the conductivity, a sign reversal of the thermopower and a lowering of the Hall mobility. The conductivity and thermopower data seem to be explained in their general features by the two-dimensional variable-range hopping model. The most compelling evidence is provided by the extremely good linearity of the log σT3/2 plots versus T1/3 over the measured temperature range (100-450 K), with very reasonable values of the parameters involved in this model. The two-dimensional system is identified with the large planar macromolecules which can be thought of as forming a structure of randomly packed flat ribbons.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)503-514
    Number of pages12
    JournalPhilosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties
    Issue number5
    StatePublished - Nov 1978

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Chemical Engineering
    • General Physics and Astronomy

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