Kallo boreholes: technical aspects and hydrogeological investigations (Status 2012)

Serge Labat, Jan Marivoet, Tom Maes

Research outputpeer-review


The drilling and core-drilling of the 439 meter deep Kallo-1 and of the 309 meter deep Kallo-2 borehole as well as the drilling of the 150 m deep Kallo-3 borehole is part of an extensive data acquisition campaign. This research, commissioned by ONDRAF/NIRAS, is executed with regard to the possible disposal of high-level and long-lived radioactive waste in the Ypresian clays. After all, the Ypresian clays are considered as a second potential host rock besides the Boom Clay, whereas the campaign aims at providing data for various hydrogeological models. The investigations mainly focused on the hydraulic and geochemical characterization of the lower part of the Gentbrugge Formation, the Tielt Formation, the Kortrijk Formation, and the top of the Tienen-Hannut Formation. Therefore, numerous analyses were performed in the three boreholes as well as in the laboratory. A detailed geological description of the deepest borehole Kallo-1 is given, based on cuttings, cores, and geophysical measurements. Hydraulic properties of the investigated units were determined from pumping tests and laboratory experiments and compared to indirect (soft) data. Hydro geochemical analyses are also provided for the different aquifers and the well is nowadays integrated in the regional piezometric network and regularly monitored by SCK•CEN.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages54
StatePublished - Jul 2014

Publication series

NameSCK•CEN Reports
PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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