Key components and processes relevant to the alteration of vitrified high-level waste in geological disposal conditions

Karel Lemmens, N. Godon, S. Gin, Y. Minet, B. Grambow, Marc Aertsens

    Research outputpeer-review


    An overview of the main processes involved in glass alteration in near field conditions is given. The mechanisms have been subdivided in 7 groups: basic glass characteristics, alteration without water, glass alteration in water, environmental effects, mechanical glass properties, radiation effects, and radionuclide release. The basic glass characteristics determine to a large extent the alteration prior to water access and the dominating glass alteration mechanisms in water. Of course, aqueous corrosion can start only after access of water to the glass. Apart from the basic glass characteristics, the near field environment has a direct effect on the dominating glass alteration mechanisms. The mechanical glass properties have an impact on glass alteration mostly because they determine the exposed glass surface area. Radiation effects have a minor impact on some basic glass characteristics and on the environment. The aqueous glass corrosion finally leads to radionuclide release (the source term).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings NF-PRO second training course and workshop (on NF-PRO portal)
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - Oct 2005
    EventNF-PRO second training course and workshop - Cardiff University, Cardiff
    Duration: 19 Oct 200521 Oct 2005


    ConferenceNF-PRO second training course and workshop
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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