Le conditionnement par l'asphalte et l'entreposage dans le sol des concentrats de traitement moyennement radioactifs

Paul Dejonghe, Leon Baetslé, Norbert Van De Voorde, W. Maes, P. Staner, J. Pyck, J. Souffriau

    Research outputpeer-review

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    The low and medium level radioactive wastes are transformed into an almost homogeneous mass by mixing them with "Mexphalt 10/20" at 200 to 230° C ; after cooling the mass solidifies and behaves as a non elutable tar block. Elution tests with ground and seawater have shown an elution rate of 0.7 to 4x10-6 g/cm2/day Which corresponds to a diffusion coefficient of 1.2 to 2.5x10-10 cm2/day. An industrial insolubilization installation was constructed with capacity of 100 l/h. In order to evaluate the storage capacity for insolubilized wastes on the site of the Belgian Nuclear Centre S.C.K. C.E.N., a thorough study was undertaken on the migration rate of radionuclides in soils. From this study the following quantities of insolublized wastes were found to be a maximum storage capacity per annum: 500 Cl of Cs137 and Sr90, 200 Cl of Pm147; 100 Cl of Ru106 and 10 Cl of U-Pu. At equilibrium 75mCl of Cs137 and Sr90, 7mCl of Pm147 and 2.2 mCl of Ru106 will be eluted. Sr90 constitutes the limiting factor in the storage capacity because of its high relative velocity in the ground water.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSCK CEN
    Number of pages21
    StatePublished - Aug 1964

    Publication series

    NameSCK CEN Reports
    PublisherSCK CEN

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