Lessons learned from the application of proliferation resistance methodologies

    Research outputpeer-review


    In the framework of a study of the proliferation resistance of the MYRRHA Accelerator Driven System, an ADS that is designed at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN, several methodologies were applied. These methodologies all showed certain advantages and disadvantages, that will be discussed in this paper. Furthermore some improvements will be proposed that can be implemented in some of these methodologies, in particular in the PR&PP and INPRO methodologies. These include e.g. the incorporation of state level factors as presently under discussion at the IAEA. The application of the methodologies on an attribute basis versus a scenario basis and the possible use for studying several design options (safeguards by design) are also discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 55th INMM Annual Meeting
    Place of PublicationUnited States
    StatePublished - Jan 2015
    Event2014 - INMM : 55th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management - INMM - Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Atlanta, Georgia
    Duration: 20 Jul 201424 Jul 2014
    Conference number: INMM 2014


    Conference2014 - INMM
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityAtlanta, Georgia

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