Level structure of the odd-odd nucleus 156Eu

M. K. Balodis, N. D. Kramer, P. T. Prokofjev, A. V. Afanasjev, T. V. Guseva, J. J. Tambergs, K. Schreckenbach, W. F. Davidson, D. D. Warner, J. A. Pinston, P. H.M. Van Assche, A. M.J. Spits

    Research outputpeer-review


    The reaction chain 153Eu(n, γ)154Eu(n, γ)155Eu(n, γ)156Eu was studied using 153Eu targets. The γ-ray and internal conversion electron spectra were measured with high resolution spectrometers. Using several subsequent measurement series, as well as the radiation spectra from the reaction-decay chain 154Sm(n, γ)155Sm{A figure is presented} 155Eu(n, γ)156Eu, we assigned 95 transitions to 156Eu, and 70 multipolarities were determined for them. 31 levels with spin values from 0 to 5 were found up to 515 keV. These levels are assigned to 13 rotational bands interpreted using proton orbits p 5 2+[413]↓, p 5 2-[532]↑, p 3 2+[411]↑ and neutron orbits n 5 2+[642]↑, n 3 2-[521]↑, n 5 2-[523]↓, n 11 2-[505]↑. Comparison with the decay of 156Sm to 156Eu indicates a 0.7% β-branch to the 1- level at 266.95 keV, and log f{hook}t = 7.1. The 434.230(2) keV energy is proposed for the level 448 ± 15keV, 3-, p 5 2+[413]↓-n 11 2-[505]↑, earlier known from the 154Eu(t, p) measurements. Model calculations are in agreement with the Gallagher-Moszkowski rule for four doublets Ωp±Ωn. The calculated mixing amplitudes explain origin of some two-particle transitions. Comparatively intense E1 transitions between levels of bands with ΔK = 0 and opposite parities allow to propose existence of octupole deformation in 156Eu which results in observation of parity doublets. It can be estimated that the 156Eu level scheme is complete up to about 240 keV excitation energy for all spin values.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)261-299
    Number of pages39
    JournalNuclear Physics, Section A
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - 11 Feb 1991

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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