Loading rate effect on ductile fracture

    Research outputpeer-review


    The Charpy impact test is widely used to monitor the quality requirements of industrial processes. It was also adopted by engineers and scientists to monitor material embrittlement resulting from environmental effects like for example irradiation. In this work, we investigated the effect of loading rate, namely quasi-static versus impact loading, on the ductile fracture behavior. Two low alloyed steels used in the reactor pressure vessel industry were selected, namely A533B and 20MnMoNi55. These steels were extensively characterized from the flow, Charpy impact and fracture toughness properties [1]–[2]. Figure 1 shows how the loading rate affects the ductile to brittle transition curve for both materials. As can be seen, the major effect of loading rate is located in the fully ductile regime where quasi-static loading requires significantly less energy to full fracture than dynamic (impact) loading. Two temperatures, namely 25°C and 290°C were selected to investigate these loading rate effects. At both temperatures, tensile and crack resistance measurements were performed at both quasi-static and dynamic loading. For the A533B steel, at 25°C, the fracture is not fully ductile and therefore only tests at 290°C were considered for this material. The results are shown in Table 1 for the various materials and conditions. These result clearly show that empirical correlations [3] relating fracture toughness to Charpy impact energy are not applicable without an in-depth analysis. Moreover, the loading rate effects on the crack resistance cannot be solely attributed to the strain rate sensitivity of the material.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture
    EditorsE.E. Gdoutos
    PublisherKluwer Academic Publishers
    Number of pages2
    ISBN (Electronic)9781402049712
    StatePublished - 2006
    Event2006 - ECF: 16th European Conference of Fracture - Alexandroupolis
    Duration: 3 Jul 20067 Jul 2006

    Publication series

    NameFracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture


    Conference2006 - ECF

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Materials Science
    • Civil and Structural Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Philosophy

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