Lung counter and body shape: creation of female computational phantoms for efficiency calibration

Pasquale Lombardo, Anne Laure Lebacq

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This work used Mesh and NURBS 3D flexible formats to optimize the monitoring of female workers subject to internal contamination risks. Counting efficiency curves were calculated for a library of female phantoms adapted to the SCK.CEN lung counter configuration, equipped with a set of two germanium detectors used for in vivo measurements. Breast size influence over the counting efficiency was studied for the energy of 59.6 keV, peak of emission of Am-241. Detectors counting efficiency was found to decrease with breast size and chest girth for this low energy radionuclide. Detection limits are highly dependent on breast size, and the breasts morphology has proven to be another important factor in low energy counting efficiency.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano
  • Lebacq, Anne Laure, Supervisor
Place of PublicationMilan, Italy
StatePublished - 18 Dec 2013

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