Methodology for qualifying monitoring components

J.M. Matray, E. Bohnert, Kalle Raunio, Sylvie Delépine-Lesoille, Marcel Landolt, Johan Bertrand, Magnus Kronberg, Lars-Erik Johannesson, Jan Verstricht, Patrice Mégret, François Martinot, Maria Rey, J.L. García-Siñeriz

    Research outputpeer-review

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    This paper summarizes the work performed in Task 3.6, Reliability and Qualification of components, of the EU H2020 project Modern2020. It synthezises progress made by eight expert organisations on a common multi-stage methodology for qualifying monitoring components (MC) of the measurement chain (sensor, connecting cable and/or wireless system/controller) at a Deep Geological Repository (DGR). This study was reported as document D3.6 [1] in the Modern2020 project and results from a multi-stage analysis including: i) the study of transferable experience gained from the energy and space fields, ii) the feed back of long-term and demonstration experiments operating in conditions close to those expected in repositories at Underground Research Laboratories (URLs) or at large mock-up, iii) the initiatives for the development of a qualification process for selecting and testing the monitoring components and at last, iv) the proposal for a global protocol appropriate to all monitoring contexts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationModern2020 Final Conference Proceedings
    Subtitle of host publicationSecond International Conference on Monitoring in geological disposal of radioactive waste: Strategies, technologies, decision-making and public involvement
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    StatePublished - 22 Jul 2019
    Event2nd Modern2020 international conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Cité Universitaire de Paris, Paris
    Duration: 9 Apr 201911 Apr 2019


    Conference2nd Modern2020 international conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste
    Abbreviated title2nd Modern2020 conference
    Internet address

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