title = "Miniature Precracked Charpy Specimens for Measuring the Master Curve Reference Temperature of RPV Steels at Impact Loading Rates",
abstract = "In the framework of the 2006 Convention, we investigated the applicability of fatigue precracked miniature Charpy specimens of KLST type (MPCC - B = 3 mm, W = 4 mm and L = 27 mm) for impact toughness measurements, using the well-characterized JRQ RPV steel. In the ductile to-brittle transition region, MPCC tests analyzed using the Master Curve approach and compared to data previously obtained from PCC specimens had shown a more ductile behavior and therefore unconservative results. In the investigation presented in this report, two additional RPV steels have been used to compare the performance of impact-tested MPCC and PCC specimens in the transition regime: the low-toughness JSPS steel and the high-toughness 20MnMoNi55 steel. The results obtained (excellent agreement for 20MnMoNi55 and considerable differences between T0 values for JSPS) are contradictory and do not presently allow qualifying the MPCC specimens as a reliable alternative to PCC samples for impact toughness measurements.",
keywords = "Dynamic fracture toughness, impact loading rates, PCC specimens, MPCC specimens, Master Curve, JRQ, 20MnMoNi55, JSPS",
author = "Enrico Lucon and Marc Scibetta and Luigi Puzzolante and Rachid Chaouadi",
note = "RN - BLG-1061 AI - General Framework Agreement SUEZ-SCK 2008 Task 2.3 Score = 2",
year = "2008",
month = oct,
language = "English",
volume = "1",
series = "SCK•CEN Reports",
publisher = "SCK CEN",
number = "BLG-1061",
address = "Belgium",
edition = "0",