Minimization Of Reactor Dead Time By Power Monitoring In Slow Shut Down Mode

Research outputpeer-review


A study on minimization of the dead time when a research reactor can not be restarted during ~ 40 hours due to xenon-135 poisoning is presented. Theoretical considerations based on reactor dynamics equations together with the SCALE4.4a modules system are used to choose an optimum power monitoring regime in a slow reactor set back. Utilizing different power monitoring scenarios in an extended shutdown period of 1520 hours a reduction of the reactor dead time up to 68% in comparison with sudden shutdown mode (scram) is obtained at energy savings (MW.d) equivalent to ~ 15 hours of full power operation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational conference on Physics of Reactors 2008
Subtitle of host publicationPHYSOR 08
Place of PublicationInterlaken, Switzerland
Number of pages10
EditionPHYSOR 08
StatePublished - 2011
Event2008 - PHYSOR - International Conference on the Physics of Reactors: Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource - Interlaken
Duration: 14 Sep 200819 Sep 2008


Conference2008 - PHYSOR - International Conference on the Physics of Reactors
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