Modélisation d’un détecteur CLYC pour la détection de rayons gamma

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    Cs2LiYCl6 (CLYC) is a new scintillator suitable for dual gamma-neutron detection. The crystal contains 6Li and 35Cl, thus thermal neutrons are detected through 6Li(n,α)t reaction and fast neutrons through 35Cl(n,p)35S reaction. In this work, a Monte-Carlo model of a 1x1 inch crystal was developed and validated with experimental data as part of a research group interested in possible future applications in safeguards and medical radiation protection at SCK-CEN. Measurements confirmed the good resolution of the CLYC with ~5% at 662 keV. MCNP6 was employed to model the measurements performed with the detector. A least square minimization implemented in a ROOT environment was used to calculate the response function (energy calibration and resolution function) of the detector comparing the measured and the simulated responses.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • HE2B - ISIB - Institut Superieur industriel de Bruxelles
    • Borella, Alessandro, SCK CEN Mentor
    StatePublished - 30 Jun 2016

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