Model abstraction techniques for assessing the chemical evolution at the disposal cell scale and applications for sensitivity and uncertainty: EURAD-ACED Deliverable 2.19

Javier Samper, Alba Mon Lopez, Luis Montenegro, Laurent De Windt, Joan Govaerts, Eric Laloy, Diederik Jacques, Dalia Grigaliuniene, Povilas Balcius, Povilas Poskas, Haibing Shao, Falko Vehling, Yushan Gu

Research outputpeer-review

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Conditioned waste forms and packages are considered in ACED and include a vitrified waste form for High Level Waste (HLW) and a cementitious waste form for Intermediated Level Waste (ILW). Disposal of these waste forms in a geological disposal facility hosted in either crystalline or sedimentary rock types are investigated. Both rock types are porous materials and the chemical composition of their pore waters may induce mineral changes in the engineered barrier system. The evolved pore waters from the engineered system chemically affect the host rock locally. A systematic understanding of the chemical evolution from the waste form up till the host rock can be used for a robust assessment of the impact of these processes.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEURAD - European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management
Number of pages125
StatePublished - 18 Mar 2024

Publication series

NameEURAD Reports

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