Model materials experiments: Dissolution results for modelling input: Deliverable 4.2

Dirk Bosbach, Christelle Cachoir, Christophe Jegou, Emmi Myllykylä, Nieves Rodriguez-Villagra

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This report comprises contributions from SCK CEN, FZJ, VTT, CIEMAT, and CEA. The report presents preliminary data and conclusions as of May 2020 and will be updated towards the end of the DisCo project. The main aim of this report is to provide the modelling teams of WP5 with the results of the dissolution experiments on the model systems performed in WP4 in a structured and concise way. For this purpose, an excel spreadsheet was developed by WP5 to allow for an electronic data exchange between the experimentalists of WP4 and the modellers of WP5. The layout of this spreadsheet is depicted in the annex of this report. In the following, the results of the dissolution experiments with model systems are summarised, focusing on a detailed description of the actual leaching conditions and the used experimental setup, the evolution of relevant constituents in solution, and the obtained dissolution rates.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages40
StatePublished - 30 Jun 2020

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