Modelling crack growth rates in a pressurized water reactor environment using the CGR-1 software

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    The lifetime of some pressurized water reactor components could be limited because of stress corrosion cracking. Hence, research into the modelling of the crack growth rate in stainless steel is very important. The crack growth rate modelling software, CGR-1, was developed as part of the EU’s FP6 project PERFECT by VUB in collaboration with SCK•CEN. In this thesis a literature study on crack propagation models will be followed by a brief description of the CGR-1 software. A calibration of the software will be carried against a reference dataset for different percentages cold work. The change in crack growth rate will be studied by altering several input parameters like the environmental conditions, the material properties and the crack geometry. The last part of the thesis consists of an evaluation of the results that will be obtained from the CGR-1 software.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • BNEN - Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network
    • van Walle, Eric, Supervisor
    • Vankeerberghen, Marc, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - Jun 2008

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