Modelling report on the effect of temperature on clay host rocks behaviour: EURAD-HITEC Deliverable 7.6

Christophe de Lesquen, Minh-Ngoc Vu, Carlos Plua, gEric Simo, Alexandru Tatomir, Paola Léon Vargas, Pierre Bésuelle, Stefano Dal Pont, Alice di Donna, Stefano Dal Pont, Nicolás Zalamea, Simon Raude, Ginger El Tabbal, Arnaud Dizier, Suresh Seetharam, Asta Narkuniene, Povilas Poskas, Frédéric Collin, Hangbiao Song, Abhishek RawatAntonio Gens, Fei Song

Research outputpeer-review

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The present report - D7.6 - Modelling report on the effect of temperature on clay host rocks behaviour - is the final deliverable for subtask 2.3. It summarises the results obtained by the different teams at the end of the project. The benchmarking exercise was divided in three steps, with firstly the modelling of near-field and far-field generic cases, then of some subtask 2.1 and 2.2 laboratory experiments, and finally of large scale in-situ heating experiments. The selection of benchmarking exercises is presented in details in the MS49 milestone document.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEC - European Commission
Number of pages310
StatePublished - 6 Jun 2024

Publication series

NameEURAD Reports
PublisherEC European Commission

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