Modelling tool to predict behaviour of reconditioned wastes: PREDIS Deliverable 6.7

Research outputpeer-review

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This report presents an experimental-numerical study of the thermal evolution of reconditioned MSO residue waste emplaced in 100 L drums. Three binders, viz., (i) AAM with metakaolin precursor (AAM_MK), (ii) AAM with BFS precursor, and (iii) blended cement mix with supplementary cementitious material, were used for this purpose with various waste loadings. The study mainly considered isothermal calorimetry experiments of all the above recipes at the SCK CEN to develop a comprehensive dataset of hydration curves that form a direct input to a heat transfer model. Drum-scale experiments on reconditioned MSO residue waste were successfully designed and executed by CVRez. The thermal evolution in the drum was captured using thermal sensors placed at various locations. A standard heat transfer model was used for blind predictions of thermal evolution in the drum. As the drum-scale experiments were conducted only with the AAM_MK binder with 15% waste loading, the drum scale thermal evolution of the remaining recipes was purely a theoretical estimate based on the numerical model.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
StatePublished - 28 Aug 2024

Publication series

NamePREDIS Reports

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