Molecular characterization of endothelial cell response in the context of radiation-induced atherosclerosis

Bjorn Baselet, Pierre Sonveaux, An Aerts

    Research output

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    Ionizing radiation is used for radiotherapeutic and diagnostic purposes, which can expose the heart and blood vessels, potentially causing cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, dose-dependency and associated molecular mechanisms are still elusive. Our work focused on endothelial cells based on previous information suggesting that ionizing radiation could promote atherosclerosis. We report that a single X-ray dose induces a time- and dose-dependent pro-atherosclerotic phenotype, linked with changes in cell cycle progression and induction of inflammation and senescence. By comparing responses to X-rays and Fe ion, radiation impact was found to be dependent on radiation quality, with a more pronounced and longer lasting response to Fe ions. Altogether, our data provide new molecular information on the causes of radiation-induced CVD and a basis on which to build new knowledge in order to ameliorate the current radiation protection system.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Science
    • Aerts, An, Supervisor
    • Sonveaux, Pierre, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award31 Aug 2017
    StatePublished - 30 Aug 2017

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