Monitoring of the subcriticality level in ADS from MUSE to XT-ADS

    Research outputpeer-review


    The study and development of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) has become a major subject due to the international policy to strongly support research in the domain of volume and radiotoxicity reduction of nuclear waste. The strong asset of ADS relies on the continuous operation in subcritical mode thereby relaxing the safety requirements. Hence, in an ADS substantial amounts of minor actinides such as Am and Cu can be transmuted in a safe way if at any time sufficient subcriticality margin is guaranteed. Hence, an accurate and on-line measurement of the subcriticality level (reactivity) is of primary concern for the development of ADS. In order to respond to this question, the European 5FP "MUSE" was launched consisting of the coupling of a fast subcritical core (MASURCA) and a pulsed neutron source (the GENEPI accelerator). Different measurement techniques for reactivity determination were investigated and are discussed in this paper. Based on these results and the requirements of a future ADS, a methodology for reactivity measurement in ADS is proposed. Since in the proposed methodology still some specific aspects need to be further investigated, additional measurements are planned within the 6FP "IP-Eurotrans Domain 2". This paper will also briefly describe the different type of measurements planned in IP-Eurotrans and their final objective with regard to the development of an Experimental Transmuter ADS.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMonitoring of the subcriticality level in ADS. From MUSE to XT-ADS
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - 26 Aug 2005
    Event2005 - ICENES: 12th International Conferences on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems - SCK.CEN, Brussels
    Duration: 22 Aug 200526 Aug 2005


    Conference2005 - ICENES

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