MYRRHA, a multipurpose accelerator driven system for R&D

Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Edouard Malambu Mbala, Peter Kupschus, Philippe Benoit, Katrien Van Tichelen, Baudouin Arien, Fernand Vermeersch, Y. Jongen, Dirk Vandeplassche

    Research outputpeer-review


    One of the SCK•CEN core competencies is and has at all times been the conception, design and realisation of large nuclear research facilities such as BR1, BR2, BR3, VENUS reactors, LHMA hot-cells, or HADES underground research laboratory (URL) for waste disposal. SCK•CEN has then operated these facilities successfully thanks to the high degree of qualification and competency of its personnel and by inserting these facilities in international research networks, contributing hence to the development of crucial aspects of nuclear energy. One of the main SCK•CEN research facility, namely BR2, is nowadays arriving at an age of 40 years just like the major materials testing reactors (MTR) in the world and in Europe (HFR (EU-Petten), OSIRIS (F-Saclay), R2 (Sw-Studsvik)…). MYRRHA has been conceived as a potential facility for replacing BR2 and to be a fast spectrum facility complementary to the thermal spectrum RJH (Réacteur Jules Horowitz) facility in France. This situation would give Europe a full research capability in terms of nuclear R&D.Furthermore, the disposal of radioactive wastes resulting from industrial nuclear energy production has still to find a fully satisfactory solution, especially in terms of environmental and social acceptability. As a consequence, most countries with significant nuclear power generating capacity are currently investigating various options for the disposal of their nuclear waste. Scientists are looking for ways to drastically reduce (by a factor of 100 or more) the radio-toxicity of the High Level Waste (HLW) to be stored in a deep geological repository, and to reduce the time needed to reach the radioactivity level of the fuel originally used to produce energy. This can be achieved via the development of the Partitioning and Transmutation and burning MAs and to a less extent LLFPs in Accelerator Driven Systems. The MYRRHA project contribution will be in helping to demonstrate the ADS concept at reasonable power level and the demonstration of the technological feasibility of MA and LLFP transmutation in real conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Joint Power Generation Conference-Power and Nuclear
    PublisherASME - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)9780791835395
    StatePublished - 4 Jun 2001
    EventInternational Joint power generation conference: Fuels and combustion technologies - New Orleans
    Duration: 4 Jun 20017 Jun 2001


    ConferenceInternational Joint power generation conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityNew Orleans

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