Neutronic coupling between the MYRRHA core and the In-Vessel Fuel Storages

Stefano Benedetti, Gert Van den Eynde

    Research output

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    The present thesis aims to investigate whether the presence of four In-Vessel Fuel Storages (INVFS) loaded with fresh (or spent) fuel influences the neutronics of the core of MYRRHA. In addition, several other issues concerning the neutronic charactherization of the In-Vessel Fuel Storages have been investigated, such as their neutronic flux and thermal power map, the burn-up analysis, and the accidental condition analysis. This work represents the first attempt inside SCK-CEN to characterize and investigate the neutronics of MYRRHA taken into account the presence of the four In-Vessel Fuel Storages in the reactor pool. The analysis carried on has demonstrated that there is no neutronic coupling between core and INVFS manifesting that the core design studies can be carried out without taking into account INVFS. However, the confirmation of this as been judged to be necessary, and the present thesis has tried to plug this gap.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • BNEN - Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network
    • Baeten, Peter, Supervisor
    • Stankovskiy, Alexey, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - Aug 2011

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