Neutronic, thermal and radiation shielding design of the beam dump of the MYRRHA High Power Proton Accelerator (HPPA): 600 MeV* 4mA.

Theo Van der Vaeren, Dirk Vandeplassche

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    In the framework of the MYRRHA project, as an ADS irradiation facility, a beam dump is needed to perform the accelerator commissioning and maintenance tests. It must safely absorb of ~2 MW of proton beam power (600 MeV, 4 mA). The facility design has to meet the basic requirements: effectively remove heat produced by proton beam and minimize the induced radioactivity production. The design of the beam dump shielding will be also addressed to meet the dosis requirements imposed by the safety authorities. The shape of the pieces which stop the proton beam will be adapted on the basis of analysis performed with the general purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNPX. This code performs steady-state calculation of main physics parameters in the systems irradiated by various types of particles having nearly all energies. Then the distribution of power deposition will be used to perform thermal analysis and activation analysis. Final stage of work aimed at the design of the shielding around the beam dump. As an outcome of the study the design of a beam dump facility will be elaborated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • BNEN - Belgian Nuclear Higher Education Network
    • Aït Abderrahim, Hamid, Supervisor
    • Stankovskiy, Alexey, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationMol, Belgium
    StatePublished - Aug 2011

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