Nucleaire ontsmetting van CALLISTO, een experimentele kringloop in de BR2 testreactor

Werner Brouwers, Dirk Vanleeuw

    Research output

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    During the exploitation of CALLISTO, the radiological activity inside the loop increases continuously causing high dose rates for personnel. A chemical decontamination of CALLISTO is necessary to reduce the dose rates. This study covers several aspects. First there is the need for a thorough research concerning the used method of decontamination. There is decided to use an adapted variant of the CORD (Chemical Oxidation Reduction Decontamination) method based on different deliberate arguments like the requirement for limited aggressiveness of the decontaminating chemicals. The loop has to keep its full integrity after decontamination, so the chemicals can’t be too aggressive. The second part comprises an analysis of different technical designs for the decontamination installation. Important is the provision of a thorough shielding. The installation will contain a lot of activated material after the completion of the decontamination process. The waste problem will also be discussed. Another important aspect concerns the connection of the decontamination installation to CALLISTO. We suggest to exclude certain parts of CALLISTO during the decontamination process to prevent non-contaminated parts to become contaminated. When designing the installation, the volume of the installation and the available space in the reactor building are two other factors asking for attention.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • PXL - Hogeschool PXL
    • Wéber, Marcel, Supervisor
    Place of PublicationDiepenbeek,, Belgium
    StatePublished - 15 May 2007

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