Nuclear data validation using Baikal-1 Skyshine benchmark experiment of ICSBEP handbook

Gabriel Simanjuntak, Yurdunaz Çelik, Pablo Romojaro

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    In this work, updated versions of nuclear data libraries—ENDF/B-VIII, JEFF-3.3, JEFF-3.1.2, JENDL-4, and TENDL-2019—were validated using the Skyshine Baikal-1 Experiment from the ICSBEP Handbook as a benchmark, with simulations performed using the MCNP and SERPENT codes. The results highlighted significant differences between JEFF-3.3 and TENDL-2019 compared to the default library, ENDF-VII.1, with discrepancies of 714 pcm and 496 pcm, respectively. The proposed method allowed the identification of integrated sensitivity coefficients of the model and revealing specific nuclear data and cross-sections responsible for the observed deviations. The validation with detector calculations showed discrepancies between results from different libraries and the experimental data. Although the modifications demonstrated improvements in the model, further investigation is needed to determine the differences between nuclear data libraries. The comparison of calculations between MCNP and SERPENT demonstrated consistent results across both neutron transport codes, with MCNP providing results with lower uncertainties.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster of Science
    Awarding Institution
    • UPM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    • Çelik, Yurdunaz, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Romojaro, Pablo, SCK CEN Mentor
    • Giot, Lydie, Supervisor, External person
    Date of Award18 Sep 2024
    StatePublished - 18 Sep 2024

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