Ontwikkeling van een scheidingsmethode om Fe van Mn af te scheiden in staallegeringen als staalvoorbereidingsprocedure voor ICP-MS analyses

Siebe Janssens, Peter Van Bree

    Research output

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    The aim of this master thesis was the development of a separation method for Fe and Mn (with natural isotopic composition, i.e. without the presence of radionuclide 55Fe). The optimum conditions were elution with 30 ml 40% v/v HCl, since Cu could then also be separated in an isolated fraction. The recoveries for the separation were between 95% and 103%.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Artesis Plantijn
    • Dobney, Andrew, Supervisor
    • Tindemans, Tom, Supervisor
    • Wambeke, Dorine, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationAntwerpen, Belgium
    StatePublished - 7 Jun 2012

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