Organisation and delivery of all contractually required documents, completed by month

Blanka Koron, Tanja Perko

    Research outputpeer-review

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    According to the Description of work (DoW), activities within EAGLE project were organised in five work packages (WP), four of them were dedicated to coordination actions and the one to the project coordination: WP 1 – Information sources: Improving the education, training and communication WP 2 – Mass media and Social media: Move towards mutual understanding WP 3 – Recipients of the information: Informed decision making process related to ionising radiation WP 4 – Reaching out, involving stakeholders and dissemination of project results WP 5 – Coordination and management of the project In scope of work packages several documents were foreseen and throughout the project implementation also developed according to the project proposal. All deliverables were completed and submitted, expect the Final project report which is under preparation and will be submitted in line with reporting rules. Some minor discrepancy in foreseen date/months of delivery and actual ones were cause due to adaptation of planned activities timeline in order to better implement the project and agreed with the project officer. In addition, the document related to GA was timely signed, as well as the Consortium Agreement among the EAGLE participants and submitted to European Commission. All documents related to consortium meetings, AB meetings, MC meetings are submitted as annexes in periodic reports.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEC - European Commission
    StatePublished - 10 Aug 2016

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