Outline of the experimental approach adopted by SCK•CEN for developing radionuclide sorption parameters

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The present document refers to the experimental programme on sorption (or, more general, "uptake ") that is developed and adopted by SCK•CEN in the framework of the deep geological disposal research financed by NIRAS/ONDRAF. The present experimental programme is considered as part of the scientific underbuilding of the Safety and Feasibility Case 1 (SFC-1), foreseen for 2013. For a general approach on the development of a migration parameter database within this SFC-1, and the selection strategy for such parameters, the reader is referred to the appropriate document (currently labelled "Integrated strategy for selection of radionuclide migration parameters", Bruggeman et al., in preparation as a L5 Topical Report for SFC-1). For a more historic overview on how sorption of radionuclides has been treated in the Belgian R&D programme for geological disposal before the currently considered period, the reader is referred to the Sorption Position Paper (Wang et al., 2004). Following an expert review (Ochs, 2007) on this past approach by M.Ochs as requested by NIRAS/ONDRAF (review meeting held in October 2006), the general strategy on sorption was reconsidered and accumulated in the drafting of the present document. This document has again been reviewed by M.Ochs.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages18
StatePublished - Sep 2008

Publication series

NameSCK•CEN Reports
PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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