Overview of active personal dosemeters for individual monitoring in the European union

M. Ginjaume, T. Bolognes-Milsztajn, M. Luszik-Bhadra, Filip Vanhavere, W. Wahl, A. Weeks, Lara Struelens

    Research outputpeer-review


    In 200, the European Radiation Dosimetry Group, EURADOS, started a working group on "Harmonisation of Individual Monitoring in Europe and the Dissemination of Information on New Techniques in this Field". Within this group, one of the projects consisted of analysing the status of active personal dosemeters (APDs) in Europe. This paper reviews the regulatory requirements for APDs in 15 EU member states and summarises the main characteristics of commercial and new developments in this field. In particular, it focuses on the comparison of APD performance and standard passive dosimetry systems. Based on this information, an evaluation is intiated to establish why several countries are reluctant to accept APDs for dose records.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)261-266
    JournalRadiation protection dosimetry
    Issue number1-4
    StatePublished - 15 Sep 2006

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