Overview of initial work on spent-fuel verification at MYRRHAfuel verification at MYRRHA

Markus Preston, Alessandro Borella, Riccardo Rossa, Erik Branger, Sophie Grape

    Research outputpeer-review


    The MYRRHA facility, which is under development at SCK CEN in Mol, Belgium, will be a multi-purpose research facility centred around an accelerator-driven reactor cooled by lead-bismuth eutectic. The MYRRHA core will contain MOX fuel with an initial plutonium content of 30%, and the lead-bismuth coolant will result in a fast neutron spectrum in the reactor. Due to reasons such as these, the radionuclide composition of spent fuel from MYRRHA can be considerably different from that of spent fuel from typical light water reactors. These differences will affect the choice of non-destructive verification techniques to safeguard the spent fuel. Further practical considerations, for example considering spent-fuel storage in lead-bismuth eutectic, will affect the choice of measurement technique. In a project led by Uppsala University, first studies of the requirements on gamma-ray and neutron measurements of spent fuel from MYRRHA have been performed using depletion calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. These studies have included i) an investigation into the radionuclide composition and gamma-ray and neutron emission in spent fuel from MYRRHA, ii) an analysis of the possibilities to discriminate between spent MYRRHA fuel and spent light-water reactor fuels using gamma-ray and neutron signatures and machine learning, iii) a feasibility study of using gamma-ray spectroscopic measurement for assaying a MYRRHA fuel assembly stored in lead-bismuth eutectic, and iv) a feasibility study of using neutron measurements under similar conditions. In the paper, new results connecting these studies will be summarised to highlight some important consequences for future safeguards verification at fast reactor systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational nuclear safeguards 2022
    PublisherIAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 3 Nov 2022
    Event2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022: Reflecting on the Past and Anticipating the Future - IAEA, Vienna
    Duration: 31 Oct 20224 Nov 2022


    Other2022 - Symposium on International Safeguards 2022
    Abbreviated titleIAEASG2022
    Internet address

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