Overview of migration experiments in the HADES Underground Research Facility at Mol

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This report presents an overview and details of all migration experiments conducted over a period of ~20 years in the HADES Underground Research Facility (URF). It only considers in situ experiments performed in the Hades URF aimed to determine or verify the value of the transport parameters in Boom Clay. In case of unretarded or retarded tracers with linear sorption kinetics, the transport parameters are the apparent dispersion (diffusion) coefficient (unit: m2/sec) and the product R of the diffusion accessible porosity  (unit: dimensionless) and the retardation factor R (unit: dimensionless). An overview of all experiments (including those having another aim than measuring the migration parameters) performed in HADES can be found in [BASTIAENS-2006]. For practical reasons (flexibility, cost, …), the transport parameters of a tracer are mostly determined from migration experiments performed in the laboratory, where the in situ conditions are simulated. In situ experiments are often used to confirm at a larger scale ('validate') these laboratory experiments [PUT-1993] and mostly have a demonstration purpose.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSCK CEN
Number of pages280
StatePublished - Jun 2013

Publication series

NameSCK•CEN Reports
PublisherStudiecentrum voor Kernenergie

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