Overview of RPV sub-project of perform 60

David Lidbury, Elisabeth Keim, Bernard Marini, Lorenzo Malerba, Asmahana Zeghadi, Dominique Moinereau, Abderrahim Al Mazouzi

    Research outputpeer-review


    PERFORM 60 (Prediction of the effects of radiation for reactor pressure vessel and in-core materials using multi-scale modelling - 60 years foreseen plant lifetime) is a 48-month project of the 7th Framework of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) being carried out under the auspices of the Directorate General Research, Technology and Development (DG.RTD) of the European Commission. Launched in March 2009, and building on the achievements of PERFECT, a EURATOM 6th Framework project, PERFORM 60 has as its main objective the development of multi-scale modelling tools integrated onto a common software platform, aimed at predicting for PWRs (i) the effects of irradiation on RPV materials (low alloy bainitic steels), (ii) the combined effects of irradiation and corrosion on internals (austenitic stainless steels). Accordingly, PERFORM 60 is based on two main technical sub-projects: SP1 (RPV) and SP2 (Internals). An integration work package within both SP1 and SP2 serves to facilitate software development. A Users' Group (SP3) supports the main technical sub-projects and allows representatives of constructors, utilities, regulators and research organizations from Europe and further afield to receive the information and training needed to make their own appraisal as to the validity of the developed tools. A significant effort is also being made to train young researchers in the field of physical modelling of materials degradation due to neutron irradiation. Against this background, the paper provides an overview of SP1, highlighting the various models and methods being developed, building on the achievements of PERFECT, to describe the evolution of flow properties of low-alloy steels with irradiation and address their subsequent effects on cleavage fracture behaviour.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
    Subtitle of host publicationVolume 6: Materials and Fabrication, Parts A and B
    Number of pages10
    EditionPARTS A AND B
    StatePublished - May 2012
    EventASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2011 - Baltimore, MD
    Duration: 17 Jul 201121 Jul 2011

    Publication series

    NameAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP
    ISSN (Print)0277-027X


    ConferenceASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2011
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityBaltimore, MD

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Mechanical Engineering

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